The Imperial Sugar Company in Sugar Land - Collaborative Office

The Imperial Sugar Company (located at 3 Sugar Creek Center Blvd #500, Sugar Land, TX 77478), is one of the most fun, and most sweet places you can choose to visit in the great city of Sugar Land, TX. Of the historic and interesting places that exist for you to explore in Sugar Land Texas, a good choice for a tour might be the Imperial Sugar Company building. This historic building has remained in Sugar Land for Generations, and is well known by the locals. What many locals aren’t even aware of however, is that Imperial Sugar Company is open for public tours with an appointment. Getting inside might require a little bit of extra effort, but many visitors have shared their thoughts on the company after touring the building. Below, we’ll cover some of what they thought, and determine whether or not the building is worth a visit.

Touring History at The Imperial Sugar Company in Sugar Land, TX

There might not be a more appropriate thing you could do in Sugar Land besides touring a famous sugar company’s main building. Imperial Sugar Company has quite a history in the area, dating back to sugar plantations from the 1840‘s. They’ve had a long story since then of successes and financial struggles, but have persevered to this point. Although they no longer produce sugar at the old sugar factory in Sugar Land, the iconic building where the factory once operated is still maintained, and they continue to operate their corporate building out of Sugar Land.

Once you plan a tour, there’s a lot you can learn through a stroll at the Imperial Sugar Company. The tour displays a good amount of exhibits and information pertaining to the company, but they also detail a lot of information about Sugar Land, and the history of growing and refining sugar in the local area. Many visitors have felt the tour was highly informative and well worth the effort, especially those nostalgic for the iconic company building that’s stood over Sugar Land for so many generations.

Before Visiting The Imperial Sugar Company, Make An Appointment!

There’s some detractions to consider as well. Notably, it’s a lot of work to visit the building most of the time. It’s generally required that you schedule your visit by phone in advance, though they’re sometimes open on Saturdays. Some patrons also feel that the tour doesn’t tell the full history of sugar refinement in the area, telling only the best parts of the history and ignoring the darker elements of harsh labor conditions. Besides this, there’s some question if the amount you’ll learn here is worth the trouble of trying to access the building.

Is the Imperial Sugar Company in Sugar Land Texas worth going to? In the end of the day, it’s probably an interesting learning experience for anyone with deep ties to the local area and it’s history. For other patrons, it could be seen as a non-essential trip, and might not provide the most value for the effort required to get there. If you love Sugar Land, or have a great interest in industrial and agricultural history, it might be more worth considering.


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